K L & Kerri Rasmussen
Full-time Artists/Potters since 1986
As a husband and wife team we LOVE making a living creating and selling beautiful art! We have weathered many ups and downs, who would ever have imagined a pandemic? All of our art festivals have been cancelled, our galleries are closed and our wholesale accounts are on hold. We are excited to be online and have dreamed about this for some time. It takes a lot of time to have our work online and we would not have been able to accomplish this if we didn't have these last 6 months to create this platform for selling.
Our studio is located in Hyrum, Utah, nestled in the beautiful Cache Valley in Northern Utah. After graduating from college we settled in this valley to raise our 5 children. For anyone wondering if it's still possible to be a self-employed artist, the answer is YES! Dedication and a lot of hard work and commitment makes a dream come true.
In a normal year we travel throughout the western states participating in about 11-12 art festivals where we enjoy meeting people and telling them about our work. Since the pandemic hit we are now focused with online sales. This is much harder since we love the one on one conversations we have at the art festivals with customers and friends. Our last show was in February of this year.
We enjoy incorporating nature into our pieces; namely actual leaf imprints or using carving and design elements to imitate nature. K is the potter and Kerri started as an assistant but has joined the team with her own line of hand-built pottery; vases, plates, bowls and mugs.
Our pottery is functional and can be used in the dishwasher, oven and microwave. We use carving and bold glaze colors to enhance the contrast between glazed and unglazed clay. For now our pottery is here and on our Etsy site:

We are a 2 person team. KL the potter and Kerri the assistant and manager. We create everything you see on our websites. Many pieces are handled dozens of times; we love working with clay making both decorative and functional work. The pottery is fired two times, first bisque ,1850 degrees, and then glazed using multiple glaze applications, waxed and stained to produce the bold colors, runs and contrast where the clay has only an oxide to color it. This final firing is 2350 degrees. This is a technique we have used for many years and we feel it defines Rasmussen Pottery and our uniqueness and one of a kind pieces. Everything that you would consider using in the kitchen is food safe, dishwasher and oven safe too.
We want you to love the pottery you purchase and have a 5 star experience. Please don't hesitate to ask questions! If you're not happy with the pottery, we will make it right. Call as soon as you receive your purchase and we can take it from there.
Thank you for visiting our site!